
路等下的烟头路等下的烟头 2023-08-20 03:27:03 31 阅读

1、1 Dont lie. 不撒谎。 2 Dont waste water or electricity. 不浪费水电。 3 Do housework. 做家务。 4 Dont make too much noise. 不要喧哗。

2、I have too many rules in my house.I have to get up at six oclock everymorning.I cant meet my friengd after school because I have to do my home work .I cant watch tv on ...

3、The curfew is 10pm 门禁是晚上十点Do not put your legs on the table 别把脚放在桌上Do your own dishes after meal 饭后,


4、I am a middle school student.My parents are very strict with me.I have to get up at 6:00 a.m. every day. I have to do sports four times a week.I am not allowed to watch TV or ...

5、良好的家风家规像一盏指路明灯,指引孩子走向美好的人生。说起家风家规,对于我们一般的普通家庭 来说,还是很陌生的。

6、My family rules There are many rules in my family. I must get up early to read books. Then I must make breakfast by myself. And l must do the dish...

7、My family rules Here is my family rule:I have to go to bed and get up early because my parents said that its good for my healthy.I am no...

8、My family rules.There are several rules in my family. No talking during meal time. No spitting or littering on the floor. Each person takes a showe...


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