1. n. 屁眼儿,肛门;令人讨厌的人
- "asshole" is a vulgar term referring to the anus, the opening at the end of the alimentary canal. It is also used as an insulting term for someone who is irritating, stupid, or obnoxious.
2. adj. 愚蠢的;窝囊的;可恶的
- "asshole" can also be used as an adjective to describe someone or something as foolish, weak, or detestable.
英美发音: 英 [ˈæshəʊl] 美 [ˈæshoʊl]
1. Youre an asshole. (你这缺德鬼。)
2. Hes such an asshole, always making rude comments. (他真是个混蛋,总是说些粗鲁的话。)
3. The boss treats us like assholes, never appreciating our hard work. (老板对待我们就像对待屁民一样,从来不珍惜我们的辛勤工作。)
1. 屁眼儿 (n.) - anus; the opening at the end of the alimentary canal
- Example: He couldnt sit comfortably after injuring his 屁眼儿 in a fall.
2. 令人讨厌的人 (n.) - obnoxious person; someone who is annoying or unpleasant
- Example: Dont invite him to the party, hes such an 令人讨厌的人.
3. 愚蠢的 (adj.) - foolish; lacking intelligence or good judgment
- Example: He made a 愚蠢的 mistake by trusting the wrong person.
- 近义词:jerk, idiot, moron
- Example: Stop acting like a jerk! (别再表现得像个混蛋!)
- 反义词:kind, considerate, intelligent
- Example: Shes so kind and considerate, the opposite of an asshole. (她非常善良体贴,完全不像个混蛋。)
- 学生1:除了"asshole",还有没有其他类似意思的汉语表达?
- 汉英小课堂:当然!除了"asshole",你还可以用其他汉语词汇来表达类似的意思,比如“混蛋”、“傻瓜”、“白痴”等等。这些词在不同的语境中可能会有一些微妙的差别,但都可以用来形容一个让人讨厌或愚蠢的人。你还有其他关于类似意思的词汇想要了解吗?
- 学生2:"asshole"这个词是不是非常粗俗和侮辱性的?
- 汉英小课堂:是的,"asshole"这个词属于粗俗语言,并且带有侮辱性。在正式场合或者与陌生人交流时,请避免使用这样的词汇。尊重他人并使用适当的语言是建立良好沟通关系的重要一环。有任何其他问题,请继续提问!