2、 As we all known that Pride and Prejudice is a globally famous book. Its not only about romantic love am随亮用扬航做然朝置危司ong pretty ladies and gentlemen but also about authentic view...
3、The first sentence in this book is impressive.It reads:“It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of...
4、傲慢和偏见是我们共同的弱点和缺点。 其实每个人都很容易被自己的主观印象所驱使,所以很容易给别人不正确的评价,导致彼此产生误解。
5、The most popular among the Austens volumes is Pride and Prejudice that takes the theme of love and marriage in a mildly humorous way of ...
6、小说的第一章,作者以幽默诙谐的开篇和班内特夫妇生动的对话向读者引入了以围绕婚姻这- - -严肃的主题开展的故事情结。
8、I’m forced to read this novel at the beginning, but I can’t wait to finish it subsequently。