
清酒与友清酒与友 2023-07-25 00:28:03 41 阅读


1、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. A下面的翻译:1. 每个人都明白健康比财富更重要。2. 这本小说我读过三遍,故事非常感人。3. 我们去年就住这个房间。希望对你有帮助。


2、真是众说纷纭。其实,"SOS"的原制定者本没有这些意思。 SOS另有一种表现方法为191519。19、15、19分别为S、O、S在26个英文字母中的顺序。

3、 1.very friendly to them. 2.why not carry the 抓评早跟程眼便拿送old newspapers from ark to ho日十me? 3.he usually goes to supermarket to buy some f快输静难个儿生酒套ood and drink at8

4、1 The couple can get rid of the marriage without love and make a start of new life for each other 2 The affection between each other is fading gradually 3 make the best of both ...

5、她跑到窗口呼喊救命。 ‘Youre safe! ’ Tom cried in delight. “你安全啦! ”汤姆高兴地大声说道。 第七个:howl 长嚎,嚎叫,大声叫喊,怒号。

6、“帮助”的英文单词有:help、assistance、assist、aid、befriend 1、help 读音:英 [help] 美 [help] 释义:v. 帮助;有助于;促进;擅自拿取;(不... “帮助”的英...


1、【英语】help[help]n. 帮助; 有帮助的人; 有助益的东西; 帮手, 助手v. 帮助; 接济; 助长; 有用; 招待; 救命 建议先熟记hell(地狱),然后再记忆help。

2、1、Today is the coldest day. 2、Is Ant the smallest animal? 3、You look younger than your uncle. 4、How much is this guitar? 5、How often do you go to a park? 6、Which ...

3、1. no good to spend 2. should not leave 3. what was the matter 4. the greater progress 5. based on 6. are requested to attend 7. Judged from his accent 8. has nothing to do ...

4、你真是我的救命恩人,我这条命是你给的!I had a good time我今天过的很愉快。聚会交谈结束的时候用,所以要用过去时had。

5、help是一个及物动词,后面可以跟宾语(就是名词或代词)。比如,I can help you我能帮助你;其中的you就是宾语。

6、英文发音:[help mi] 中文释义:救命啊;救救我;帮帮我;帮助我;拯救我 例句: I cant do it well. Please help me. 我做不好,请帮帮我。


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