
浅薄凉浅薄凉 2023-06-09 14:50:18 34 阅读


高考英语高频词组  1abandononeselftosth.完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动)

2havea(the)abilitytodosth.(havetheabilityindoingsth.)有能力做某事   3tothebestofonesability尽力   4beabouttodowhen…正准备做某事突然。。。   5aboveall首先,最重要;inall总计afterall毕竟;终究   6athomeandabroad在国内外goabroad出国   7insb.sabsence不在时intheabsenceof(人)不在时beabsentfrom缺席   8beabsorbedin全神贯注于   9accessto接近;进入   10byaccident偶然bychancebymistake由于错误 11bedelayedthroughanaccident由于事故而耽误 12beaccompaniedby附有;伴随   13accordingto(后面不接view,opinion…);inmyopinion   14collectaccounts收账;openanaccount开账户;keepaccounts记账;account for说明;giveafullaccountof做一个完整的说明;onaccountof=becauseof因为 15accusesb.of…控告某人;chargesb.withsth.起诉某人;Blamesb.forsth.责备某人 16beaccustomedtosth.(todoingsth.)=beusedtosth.(todoingsth.)习惯于干某事   17havesomeacquaintancewith熟悉;熟知   18come(run)across(偶然)碰到;getsth.across使人理解;领会   19actas充当,担任actout表演(对话、故事);acton(upon)对。。。起作用   20catchsb.intheactofdoingsth.抓住某人干某事;takeaction采取行动


live on 继续存在,继续生存

  by means of… 用……办法,借助……

  make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等

  keep up 坚持,维持,沿袭(风俗、传统等)

  back to back 背靠背

  team up with 与……合作或一起工作

  mark out 画线,标出……界线

  take in 包括,吸收

  a great/good many 许多,很多

  apply for 申请,请示得到

  pay off 得到好结果,取得成功,偿清


您好,1. 瞄准目标 Aim at the target

2. 从容应对 Face with composure

3. 全力以赴 Spare no effort

4. 以身作则 Set an example

5. 知难而进 Face up to difficulties

6. 勇往直前 Forge ahead bravely

7. 胸怀大志 Broad vision and great ambition

8. 活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn

9. 把握机会 Seize the opportunity

10. 无私奉献 Selfless dedication

11. 与时俱进 Keep pace with the times

12. 有备无患 Be prepared and avoid disaster

13. 机不可失,时不再来 Opportunities are not to be missed

14. 力争上游 Strive for excellence

15. 持之以恒 Perseverance

16. 不断进取 Keep forging ahead

17. 勇攀高峰 Climb the summit bravely

18. 独立思考 Independent thinking

19. 勇于尝试 Be bold in trying

20. 团结协作 Unity and cooperation.



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