my job is to do还是doing并讲解一下原因!谢谢啦(myjob)

寂寞好了寂寞好了 2023-10-19 16:21:07 22 阅读

my job is to do还是doing并讲解一下原因!谢谢啦

应该是前面的。如果你要写doing,be doing就是现在进行时,但是它是一个事实。并且翻译过来是我的工作真在……而to在这里表示的是目的,翻译过来是我的工作是去…… 才疏学浅,请见谅。

my dream job80字作文

my dream job是说我的理想工作的意思,80字作文可以从以下例子看出:

I like to analyze the numbers, that is why I analyze all date related to the property market, such as vacant rate and capital growth history, interest rate. That is my dream job. 我喜欢分析数字,这就是为什么我分析所有与房地产市场相关的数据,例如空置率和资本增长历史、利率。 那是我梦寐以求的工作。

my job is to do还是doing并讲解一下原因!谢谢啦(myjob)

my job experience英语作文

I have an ample experience in different jobs.

My first internship was in a securities company, where I worked as a trainee.

My second internship was in a world renowned international bank, where I was responsible for analysis.

My first real job was in a real estate company, where I gained insight into the industry.

My current job is in a financial company, where I need to make as much money for myself as possible.



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