
旧时光忘了我旧时光忘了我 2023-10-17 03:26:12 19 阅读


playground的音标:英 [ˈpleɪgraʊnd] 美 [ˈpleˌɡraʊnd] n. 游乐场;操场,尤指提供如秋千等设备的户外场地;(某些集体聚会游乐的)园地复数: playgrounds例句:


1、He limped off the playground. 他一瘸一拐地离开了运动场。

2、There was a sandpit, a seesaw and a swing in the playground. 游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。

3、Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground 孩子们欢快地跑下黄色的校车,冲进运动场。

4、In Wales in the same era, boys were caned for speaking Welsh in the playground在同一时期的威尔士,男孩们在操场上讲威尔士语是要吃鞭子的。

5、He staggered around the playground, screaming in agony


书包的英文是schoolbag。;词汇分析;音标:英 [skuːlbæɡ] 美 [ˈskulˌbæɡ] ;释义:书包;短语;schoolbag magazine 笔记本;My Schoolbag 我的书包;Schoolbag Rack 书包架;schoolbag load 书包负荷;拓展资料;

1、The pupil tossed his schoolbag into the air. ;小学生把书包扔向空中。;

2、Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree. ;斯蒂文拿走我的书包放在了一棵树上。;

3、Mom, could you buy me a new green leather schoolbag? ;妈妈,你能为我买一个新的绿色皮书包吗?;

4、She asked me where I lived, put the pails down in the entryway, and took home and walking beside me holding my schoolbag in one hand and my arm in the other. ;她问我家住在哪里,把水桶在入口通道上一放就要送我回家,她走在我一侧,一手拿着我的书包,一手搀扶着我。;

5、That large green leather schoolbag is really cool. ;那个大大的绿色皮书包真棒啊!


答:英 [jəʊk] 美 [joʊk] n.轭,架,座,偏转线圈;奴役,羁绊,束缚,统治;(同一轭上牛的)一对牲口;上衣抵肩,vt.结合;给…上轭;结合,联结;使成配偶,复数: yokes 过去式: yoked

英 [jəʊk] 美 [joʊk] n.轭,架,座,偏转线圈;奴役,羁绊,束缚,统治;(同一轭上牛的)一对牲口,上衣抵肩vt.结合;给…上轭;结合,联结;使成配偶,复数: yokes 过去式: yoked


衣服的英文单词:clothes。读音:英 [kləʊ(ð)z] 美 [kloz]clothes rack 衣架clothes shop n. 服装店clothes hanger 挂衣服的架子;衣架clothes dryer 干衣机clothes line 晒衣绳clothes horse n. 晒衣架,晾衣架clothes tree n. 衣帽架clothes and fashion 服装与时尚例句:

1、Your clothes fit well. 你的衣服很合身。

2、It was made in the size of the clothes. 这是照那件衣服的原尺寸而缝制的。

3、Do you think I can jam all these clothes in this suitcase? 你觉得我能把所有这些衣服塞进这个手提箱吗?



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