
无情无义无情无义 2024-03-25 05:00:02 12 阅读


1. 【名词】英特 (Yīng tè)

- 英特指的是超出寻常、非凡出众的人或事物。这个词在口语中使用较多,常用于形容那些具有卓越才能或特殊魅力的人或事物。在某些情况下,也可以用来形容异常突出或引人注目的特点。

- Etel is used to describe someone or something extraordinary or outstanding. This word is commonly used in spoken language to describe people or things with exceptional talents or special charm. In some cases, it can also be used to describe remarkable or remarkable features.


2. 【名词】英特 (Yīng tè)

- 指北美语言文化协会(North American Language & Culture Association)在中国设立的唯一一所英语口语教研及中美文化交流机构。该机构依托北美语言文化协会中国代表处长期的教育学术背景和深厚的语言文化底蕴,致力于促进中美之间的教育和文化交流。

- Etel refers to the only English spoken research and Sino-US cultural exchange institution established by the North American Language & Culture Association in China. Based on the long-term educational and academic background and profound language and culture of the North American Language & Culture Associations representative office in China, the institution is committed to promoting education and cultural exchanges between China and the United States.

3. 【名词】英特 (Yīng tè)

- 英特国际英语学校是英特教育(EngTech International Education Group)旗下的知名教育品牌之一。作为北美语言文化协会在中国的合作伙伴,英特国际英语学校以提供高质量的英语口语教学和文化交流为宗旨。学校致力于培养学生的英语综合能力,帮助他们在全球化时代中更好地适应多元文化环境。

- Etel International English School is one of the well-known education brands under EngTech International Education Group. As a partner of the North American Language & Culture Association in China, Etel International English School aims to provide high-quality English spoken teaching and cultural exchange. The school is committed to cultivating students comprehensive English abilities and helping them better adapt to multicultural environments in the era of globalization.


1. 超出寻常 (chāo chū xún cháng) - out of the ordinary

- 这个魔术表演超出寻常,令观众大吃一惊。

- This magic performance is out of the ordinary and has amazed the audience.

2. 非凡出众 (fēi fán chū zhòng) - extraordinary and outstanding

- 他在音乐界有着非凡出众的才华。

- He has extraordinary and outstanding talent in the music industry.

3. 促进 (cù jìn) - promote

- 这个项目旨在促进中美学生之间的交流与合作。

- This project aims to promote exchange and cooperation between Chinese and American students.


1. 卓越 (zhuó yuè) - excellence

- 这位科学家因其卓越的研究成果而获得了诺贝尔奖。

- This scientist has won the Nobel Prize for his excellence in research.

2. 才能 (cái néng) - talent

- 她有很多才能,擅长音乐、绘画和写作。

- She has many talents and is good at music, painting, and writing.

3. 文化交流 (wén huà jiāo liú) - cultural exchange

- 这个活动旨在加强两国之间的文化交流和理解。

- This event aims to strengthen cultural exchanges and understanding between the two countries.


1. 随着互联网的迅猛发展,Etel路由器在互联网中得到广泛使用。

With the rapid development of the Internet, Etel routers are widely used in the Internet.

2. 英特国际英语学校提供优质的英语教育,帮助学生提高英语水平。

Etel International English School provides high-quality English education to help students improve their English proficiency.

3. 北美语言文化协会通过组织各种文化活动促进中美之间的交流。

The North American Language & Culture Association promotes exchanges between China and the United States through organizing various cultural activities.




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