
忆尘夕之涩忆尘夕之涩 2024-04-12 09:50:03 15 阅读


1. 学无止境 (xué wú zhǐ jìng) - Knowledge is infinite.


- 学 (xué) - knowledge; to learn

- 无 (wú) - without; no

- 止境 (zhǐ jìng) - limit; boundary

2. 知识无穷 (zhī shí wú qióng) - Knowledge is endless.

- 知识 (zhī shí) - knowledge

- 无穷 (wú qióng) - endless; boundless

3. 学海无涯 (xué hǎi wú yá) - The sea of learning has no bounds.

- 学海 (xué hǎi) - sea of learning

- 无涯 (wú yá) - boundless; limitless

英文单词:knowledge is infinite


- 美式发音:[nɑlɪdʒ ɪz ɪnfənət]

- 英式发音:[nɒlɪdʒ ɪz ɪnfɪnət]


1. 学无止境,你可以一辈子都在学习新的东西。

Knowledge is infinite, and you can keep learning new things for a lifetime.

2. 知识无穷,我们永远都有机会去探索和学习。

Knowledge is endless, and we always have the opportunity to explore and learn.

3. 学海无涯,只要你愿意,你可以学到任何你想学的东西。

The sea of learning has no bounds, and as long as you are willing, you can learn anything you want.


1. knowledge - 知识 (zhī shí) / 学问 (xué wèn)

- 词义:facts, information, and skills acquired through experience, education, or training

- 例句:He has a wide range of knowledge in various fields.

2. infinite - 无限的 (wú xiàn de) / 无穷的 (wú qióng de)

- 词义:limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate

- 例句:The possibilities are infinite when it comes to learning.

3. learn - 学习 (xué xí) / 学会 (xué huì)

- 词义:acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience, or being taught

- 例句:She wants to learn a new language.




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