
一别两宽一别两宽 2024-04-12 10:20:03 12 阅读

副董事长 英文有多种表达方式,常见的有"vice-president"和"deputy chairman"。下面将为您详细解释这些英文单词的意思,并给出相关的例句和近义词反义词等信息。



1. 副董事长 (n.) - 公司中担任副董事长职位的人员。常见英文表达为"vice-president"。

2. 副董事长 (misc.) - 在组织中担任次要领导职位的人员,也可用"deputy chairman"来表示。


1. vice-president (n.) - a person who holds a position of vice president in a company or organization.

2. deputy chairman (n.) - a person who holds a secondary leadership position in an organization, also known as "vice-chairman".


vice-president: /ˌvaɪsˈprɛzədənt/

deputy chairman: /ˈdɛpjʊti ˈtʃeərmən/


1. 我们公司的副董事长非常重要,他负责协助董事长制定战略决策。(Our companys vice-president is very important as he assists the chairman in making strategic decisions.)

2. 她在公司里担任副董事长一职已经多年了,对业务非常熟悉。(She has been serving as the deputy chairman in the company for many years and is very familiar with the business.)

3. 副董事长和董事长的职责有所不同,但他们共同致力于公司的发展。(The vice-president and the chairman have different responsibilities, but they both work towards the development of the company.)


1. vice-president (n.) - 副董事长

2. deputy chairman (n.) - 副董事长

3. leadership position (n.) - 领导职位


- 相关词义:副总裁 (n. vice-president),副会长 (n. vice-chairman),助理主席 (n. assistant chairman)

- 句子:他是这家公司的副董事长,负责协调各个部门的工作。(He is the vice-president of this company, responsible for coordinating the work of various departments.)

- 近义词:副主席 (n. vice-chairman),副总经理 (n. deputy general manager),副首席执行官 (n. deputy CEO)

- 反义词:董事长 (n. chairman),总经理 (n. general manager),首席执行官 (n. CEO)




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