1. 信箱 (xìnxiāng)
- 我把明信片放进了邮箱里。 (Wǒ bǎ míngxìpiàn fàng jìn le xìnxiāng lǐ.)
I put the postcard into the mailbox.
- 请记得查看你的邮箱,我给你寄了一封重要的邮件。 (Qǐng jìde chákàn nǐ de xìnxiāng, wǒ gěi nǐ jì le yī fēng zhòngyào de yóujiàn.)
Please remember to check your mailbox, I sent you an important email.
- 这个小姑娘每天都会去信箱检查有没有来信。 (Zhège xiǎo gūniang měitiān dōu huì qù xìnxiāng jiǎnchá yǒuméiyǒu láixìn.)
The little girl checks her mailbox every day to see if there is any mail.
- 邮箱 (yóuxiāng):postbox
- 他在路边的邮筒里投递了一封信。 (Tā zài lùbiān de yóutǒng lǐ tóudì le yī fēng xìn.)
He dropped a letter into the postbox by the roadside.
- 我明天要去邮局寄一封包裹。 (Wǒ míngtiān yào qù yóujú jì yī fēng bāoguǒ.)
Im going to the post office tomorrow to send a package.
- 信件 (xìnjiàn):letter
- 她收到了一封匿名信,不知道是谁寄来的。 (Tā shōudào le yī fēng nìmíng xìn, bù zhīdào shì shuí jì lái de.)
She received an anonymous letter and didnt know who sent it.
- 我写了一封感谢信给老师。 (Wǒ xiě le yī fēng gǎnxiè xìn gěi lǎoshī.)
I wrote a thank-you letter to the teacher.
- 邮件 (yóujiàn):mail
- 他喜欢用电子邮件与朋友保持联系。 (Tā xǐhuān yòng diànzǐ yóujiàn yǔ péngyǒu bǎochí liánxì.)
He likes to keep in touch with his friends through email.
- 请将这份文件通过快递寄给我。 (Qǐng jiāng zhè fèn wénjiàn tōngguò kuàidì jì gěi wǒ.)
Please send me this document by express mail.
2. 信箱 (xìnxiāng)
英文单词:letter box
英式发音:ˈletə bɒks
美式发音:ˈletər bɑːks
- 他打开信箱,拿出一封信。 (Tā dǎkāi xìnxiāng, ná chū yī fēng xìn.)
He opened the letter box and took out a letter.
- 这个公寓楼的每个单元都有一个共用的信箱。 (Zhège gōngyù lóu de měi gè dānyuán dōu yǒu yīgè gòngyòng de xìnxiāng.)
Each unit in this apartment building has a shared letter box.
- 老人每天早上都会去拿报纸和信件。 (Lǎorén měitiān zǎoshang dōu huì qù ná bàozhǐ hé xìnjiàn.)
The old man goes to collect newspapers and letters every morning.
- 收件人 (shōujiàn rén):recipient
- 请填写收件人的姓名和地址。 (Qǐng tiánxiě shōujiàn rén de xìngmíng hé dìzhǐ.)
Please fill in the recipients name and address.
- 这个包裹是寄给我妈妈的。 (Zhège bāoguǒ shì jì gěi wǒ māma de.)
This package is sent to my mother.
- 寄件人 (jìjiàn rén):sender
- 请在信封上写上您的姓名和地址作为寄件人信息。 (Qǐng zài xìnfēng shàng xiě shàng nín de xìngmíng hé dìzhǐ zuòwéi jìjiàn rén xìnxī.)
Please write your name and address on the envelope as the senders information.
- 他通过快递把礼物寄给了女朋友。 (Tā tōngguò kuàidì bǎ lǐwù jì gěi le nǚpéngyou.)
He sent the gift to his girlfriend by express delivery.
- 邮筒 (yóutǒng):postbox
- 我在邮筒里投递了一封明信片。 (Wǒ zài yóutǒng lǐ tóudì le yī fēng míngxìpiàn.)
I dropped a postcard into the postbox.
- 这个邮筒每天都会被清空。 (Zhège yóutǒng měitiān dōu huì bèi qīngkōng.)
This postbox is emptied every day.
3. 信箱 (xìnxiāng)
英文单词:post office box
英式发音:pəʊst ˈɒfɪs bɒks
美式发音:poʊst ˈɔːfɪs bɑːks
- 她在邮局办理了一个新的信箱。 (Tā zài yóujú bànlǐ le yī gè xīn de xìnxiāng.)
She got a new post office box at the post office.
- 在美国,人们常常使用邮局信箱来接收邮件。 (Zài Měiguó, rénmen chángcháng shǐyòng yóujú xìnxiāng lái jiēshōu yóujiàn.)
In the United States, people often use a post office box to receive mail.
- 我需要一个地址来寄送包裹,你能告诉我你的信箱号码吗? (Wǒ xūyào yī gè dìzhǐ lái jìsòng bāoguǒ, nǐ néng gàosù wǒ nǐ de xìnxiāng hàomǎ ma?)
I need an address to send the package, can you tell me your post office box number?
- 邮政 (yóuzhèng):post office
- 我明天要去邮政局寄一封信。 (Wǒ míngtiān yào qù yóuzhèng jú jì yī fēng xìn.)
Im going to the post office tomorrow to send a letter.
- 请问最近的邮政局在哪里? (Qǐngwèn zuìjìn de yóuzhèng jú zài nǎlǐ?)
Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?
- 包裹 (bāoguǒ):package
- 这个包裹非常重,我需要帮忙一起搬。 (Zhège bāoguǒ fēicháng zhòng, wǒ xūyào bāngmáng yīqǐ bān.)
This package is very heavy, I need help to carry it together.
- 他寄给我一个惊喜礼物,我迫不及待地想打开包裹。 (Tā jì gěi wǒ yī gè jīngxǐ lǐwù, wǒ pòbùjídài de xiǎng dǎkāi bāoguǒ.)
He sent me a surprise gift, and I cant wait to open the package.
- 邮资 (yóuzī):postage
- 请确保包裹已经贴上足够的邮资。 (Qǐng quèbǎo bāoguǒ yǐjīng tiē shàng zúgòu de yóuzī.)
Please make sure the package has enough postage on it.
- 我可以在邮局购买邮资吗? (Wǒ kěyǐ zài yóujú gòumǎi yóuzī ma?)
Can I buy postage at the post office?
- 你在日常生活中使用过信箱吗?有什么有趣的故事或经历吗?
- 你在寄送或接收邮件时遇到过什么困难吗?如何解决的?
- 除了信箱,你还知道其他与邮件和通信相关的英文单词吗?分享一些给大家听听。