
孤风孤风 2024-04-17 10:15:03 10 阅读



1. 消毒器(名词)- 一种用于杀灭或去除物体上的细菌、病毒或其他微生物的设备或物质。

2. 灭菌剂(名词)- 一种化学物质,用于杀灭或抑制细菌、病毒或其他微生物的生长。

3. 无菌器(名词)- 一种设备,用于创造无菌环境,以避免细菌、病毒等微生物的污染。




1. The hospital uses a sterilizer to ensure that all medical equipment is free from bacteria and viruses. (医院使用消毒器确保所有医疗设备都没有细菌和病毒。)

2. This sterilizer is very effective at killing germs and keeping our surroundings clean. (这个消毒器在杀死细菌和保持周围清洁方面非常有效。)

3. The laboratory technician used a sterilizer to create a sterile environment for the experiment. (实验室技术员使用了无菌器为实验创造了一个无菌环境。)


1. disinfectant - a substance used to kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces. (消毒剂 - 一种用于杀灭物体表面上的细菌和病毒的物质。)

2. sterilization - the process of killing or removing all microorganisms from an object or environment. (灭菌 - 将一个物体或环境中的所有微生物杀死或去除的过程。)

3. contamination - the presence of harmful or unwanted substances in a specific area or object. (污染 - 特定区域或物体中存在有害或不需要的物质。)





1. The sterilizer is an essential tool in hospitals to prevent the spread of infections.


2. The laboratory technician used a sterilizer to create a sterile environment for the experiment.




1. The food processing plant uses sterilizers to ensure that the products are free from harmful bacteria.


2. The chef used a sterilizer to clean the kitchen utensils after preparing raw meat.


近义词:disinfector, sanitizer

反义词:contaminator, infecter


- 学生A:我想知道除了医疗设备和食品加工,还有哪些领域会使用sterilizer?

- 汉英小课堂:除了医疗设备和食品加工,sterilizer也常用于实验室、美容美发行业、水处理等领域。您还有其他问题吗?


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