1. 金缕梅(jīn lǚ méi):一种植物,其提取物具有收敛、抗炎和止血等药用功效,常用于护肤品和药膏中。
2. 北美金缕梅(Běi měi jīn lǚ méi):又称为witch hazel,是一种生长在北美洲东部的灌木或树木,其树皮可以提取出一种具有收敛作用的药水。
3. 金缕梅的花或果实(jīn lǚ méi de huā huò guǒ shí):也指金缕梅的淡黄色花朵或淡褐色果实。
【英文单词】:witch hazel
【美式发音】:ˈwɪtʃ heɪzl
【英式发音】:ˈwɪtʃ heɪz(ə)l
1. Follow with a toner on a cotton pad such as organic witch hazel.(使用有机金缕梅等爽肤水浸湿化妆棉)
2. The witch hazel plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties.(金缕梅这种植物几个世纪以来一直被用于药用)
3. Witch hazel extract is often used in skincare products for its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.(金缕梅提取物常被用于护肤品中,因其具有舒缓和抗炎作用)
1. 金缕梅(jīn lǚ méi):witch hazel
相关词义:北美金缕梅(Běi měi jīn lǚ méi):North American witch hazel
句子:Follow with a toner on a cotton pad such as organic witch hazel.(使用有机金缕梅等爽肤水浸湿化妆棉)
2. 护肤品(hù fū pǐn):skincare products
相关词义:爽肤水(shuǎng fū shuǐ):toner
句子:Witch hazel extract is often used in skincare products for its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.(金缕梅提取物常被用于护肤品中,因其具有舒缓和抗炎作用)
3. 药用功效(yào yòng gōng xiào):medicinal properties
相关词义:收敛作用(shōu lián zuò yòng):astringent effect
句子:The witch hazel plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties.(金缕梅这种植物几个世纪以来一直被用于药用)
通过以上解释,我们可以了解到金缕梅(witch hazel)是一种具有药用功效的植物,常用于护肤品和药膏中。它具有收敛、抗炎和止血等作用。金缕梅提取物常被用于护肤品中,因其具有舒缓和抗炎作用。如果你想了解更多关于金缕梅的知识,欢迎继续探索!
1. Have you ever heard of witch hazel before? What do you know about its benefits?
2. Have you used any skincare products that contain witch hazel extract? How did it work for you?
3. Are there any other natural ingredients that you find effective in skincare?