1. adv. 不,完全不
2. n. 否定的回答;(复数 noes)(投票表决中的)反对,否决
3. int. (用于否定的回答或陈述)不,没有;(感到惊讶)不会吧
4. adj. 没有;不是
5. det. 没有,无;不准,禁止;没有可能(做某事);(表示情况的反面)不是,并不
6. n. (No)(柬、越)诺(人名)
1. 他问我是否要去参加派对,我回答了一个干脆利落的“no”。
He asked me if I wanted to attend the party, and I replied with a firm "no".
2. 当选手被问及是否同意规则变更时,他们大多数都投了反对票。
When the players were asked if they agreed to the rule change, most of them voted no.
3. “你能帮我解决这个问题吗?”“抱歉,没办法。”
"Can you help me solve this problem?" "Sorry, no can do."
1. 否定的回答:negative response
2. 反对:oppose
3. 没有:lack, absence
no (adv.)
1. 不,完全不
- Ill no longer tolerate your behavior.
- He is no better than his brother.
no (n.)
1. 否定的回答;(复数 noes)(投票表决中的)反对,否决
- The answer is a definite no.
- There were more yeses than noes in the vote.
no (int.)
1. (用于否定的回答或陈述)不,没有;(感到惊讶)不会吧
- "Can I borrow your pen?" "No, sorry."
- "I heard you won the lottery." "No way!"
no (adj.)
1. 没有;不是
- She has no money left.
- Thats no surprise to me.
no (det.)
1. 没有,无;不准,禁止;没有可能(做某事);(表示情况的反面)不是,并不
- There is no reason to worry.
- No smoking allowed in this area.
No (n.)
1. (柬、越)诺(人名)
- No is a common name in Cambodia and Vietnam.