过路费的英文是 "road toll"。 "road" 是指道路, "toll" 是指费用或收费。所以 "road toll" 就是指在道路上需要支付的费用。
1. 您知道车费里不包括过路费吗? Do you know the toll fee is not included in the fare?
2. 也有人在加德兹地区非常担心自己要支付的高昂过路费。 Some people in Gadz district are also worried about the high tolls they have to pay.
3. 这座桥收取的过路费非常昂贵。 The toll for this bridge is very expensive.
1. commission [kəˈmɪʃən] - 佣金:通常指为完成某项工作而获得的报酬。
- 他从这笔交易中赚取了很多佣金。 He earned a lot of commission from this deal.
- 我们会支付给您10%的佣金。 We will pay you a 10% commission.
2. duty [ˈdjuːti] - 关税:通常指进口或出口商品时需要缴纳的税款。
- 这个国家对这种商品征收了高额关税。 This country imposes high duties on this type of goods.
- 我们需要为这批货物支付关税吗? Do we need to pay duty for this batch of goods?
3. cost [kɒst] - 成本,费用:指完成某项工作或购买某物所需要支付的金额。
- 我们需要计算一下这个项目的成本。 We need to calculate the cost of this project.
- 这辆车修理的费用非常高。 The cost of repairing this car is very high.