1. (n.) A drawing or plan of the earth or a particular area, showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.
- Example: We used a map to navigate our way through the city.
- 译文:我们用地图来导航穿越这座城市。
2. (n.) A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.
- Example: The map of the hiking trail helped us stay on course.
- 译文:徒步旅行路线图帮助我们保持在正确的路线上。
3. (v.) To make a map of; show or establish the features of details of.
- Example: The explorers mapped the uncharted territory.
- 译文:探险者们勘测了未知领域。
- 英音:[mæp]
- 美音:[mæp]
1. They used a map to find their way back to the campsite. (他们用地图找到回露营地的路。)
2. The treasure is marked on this pirate map. (宝藏在这张海盗地图上标出了位置。)
3. Can you read a topographic map? (你能读懂地形图吗?)
1. atlas (n.) - 地图集
- Example: The atlas contains maps of every country in the world.
- 译文:这本地图集包含了世界上每个国家的地图。
2. compass (n.) - 指南针
- Example: The hiker used a compass to find her way in the wilderness.
- 译文:徒步旅行者使用指南针在荒野中找到自己的方向。
3. legend (n.) - 图例
- Example: The legend on the map explained what each symbol represented.
- 译文:地图上的图例解释了每个符号代表的含义。
- 相关词义:chart, diagram, plan, layout
- 句子:
1. She traced her finger along the map to plot their route.
2. The map showed us where to find the nearest gas station.
- 近义词:chart, diagram, plan, layout
- 反义词:territory