
不娶花瓶女不娶花瓶女 2024-04-17 10:10:03 15 阅读


1. 明白了 (míng bái le)

- get it

- understand it


- got it

英文单词:get it


- 美式发音:[ɡet ɪt]

- 英式发音:[ɡet ɪt]


1. 我们经常说“我懂了,明白了,知道了”,翻译成英语,有人说“I get it”,也有人说“I got it”。

- We often say "我懂了 (wǒ dǒng le), 明白了 (míng bái le), 知道了 (zhī dào le)" in Chinese, and when translated into English, some people say "I get it" and others say "I got it".

2. 我常说:"I get it." 或者直接说:"Get it." 意思就是:"明白了"。

- I often say, "I get it" or simply "Get it." It means "明白了 (míng bái le)".

3. 当我们用英语解答别人的疑问时,很多人会在结束时顺嘴说一句:"Do you understand?" 你明白了吗?

- When we answer someones question in English, many people often end with the phrase "Do you understand?" to ask if the other person understood.


1. understand [ˌʌndərˈstænd]:理解,明白

- I finally understand the concept after studying it for hours.


- Can you explain it again? I dont understand.


- The teacher used simple words to help us understand the difficult topic.


2. comprehend [ˌkɑːmprɪˈhend]:理解,领会

- It took me a while to comprehend the complex instructions.


- She couldnt comprehend how he could be so cruel.


- The book is difficult to comprehend without prior knowledge of the subject.


3. grasp [ɡræsp]:抓住,领会

- She quickly grasped the main points of the lecture.


- He couldnt grasp the concept no matter how many times it was explained to him.


- The students ability to grasp new ideas impressed the teacher.




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