Can not eat in class 不能在学校吃东西 Can not fight 不能打架 Can not play little tricks 不能玩小动作 Serious study 认真学习 Respect for teachers 尊敬师长!
1.Dont eat in the classroom !
2.Dont listen to the music in the classroom or hallway!
3.Dont be late for school!
4.Dont speak loudly in classroom!
30个关于能在学校里做的校规 About 30 can do with school rules. 30个关于能在学校里做的校规 About 30 can do with school rules.
写一篇介绍学校校规英语作文,要求使用have to, must,60词左右?
I like our school, nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards, our school has many rules for us to abide by it. Then lets talk about the school rules. We have to get up very early every day, finish our classes in the morning, we cant be late, otherwise the teacher will not allow us to enter the classroom, cant eat snacks in class, cannot speak, must be quiet to listen to. Cant run in the hallways, its too dangerous ……