1. 捣乱(非正式)
【英文单词】:take your monkey
【英美发音】:[teɪk jɔːr ˈmʌŋki]
1. Once this happens, you take one monkey out of the cage and bring in a new one. 一旦发生这种事。
2. Get your monkey up means getting angry, while take your monkey means not getting angry. So the foreigner is lying and hoping that no one will be mad at him, hence using take your monkey. 发脾气用get your monkey up,不发脾气用take your monkey。所以外国人说的是假的,他说了谎,希望别人不要怪他,所以用take your monkey。
3. This is an American slang, which is not translated literally into Chinese. Its like Chinese idioms or proverbs, its no longer the literal meaning. 这是个美国俚语,翻译成汉语不是字面的意思。有点像中国的成语、俗语或者谚语,已经不是字面的意思了。
1. 捣乱(dǎo luàn)- cause trouble; make mischief
2. 非正式(fēi zhèng shì)- informal; non-formal
3. 发脾气(fā pí qi)- get angry; lose temper
"Take your monkey" is an interesting phrase commonly used in American English. It does not have a literal translation in Chinese, but it carries the meaning of causing trouble or making mischief in a non-formal way. The phrase is often used to describe someone who is misbehaving or being disruptive.
In the context of the phrase, "monkey" represents a mischievous or unruly behavior, similar to how a monkey might act. So when someone says "take your monkey," they are essentially telling someone to control their misbehavior or stop causing trouble.
For example, if a child is running around and knocking things over, a parent might say "take your monkey" as a playful way of asking them to calm down and behave properly. Similarly, if someone is being disruptive or causing chaos in a group setting, another person might use this phrase to ask them to stop their disruptive behavior.
While the literal translation of "take your monkey" may seem confusing or unrelated to its intended meaning, its important to remember that language and idiomatic expressions often have unique cultural nuances. This particular phrase has evolved within American English and has become widely understood among native speakers.
To fully grasp the meaning of "take your monkey," one must understand it within its cultural context and recognize that it is not meant to be taken literally. Instead, it serves as a playful and colloquial way of telling someone to behave or stop causing trouble.
I hope this explanation helps you understand the meaning behind "take your monkey." If you have any further questions or need more examples, please feel free to ask!
学生们,你们是否遇到过类似于“take your monkey”这样的短语,看起来很难理解其实际意义?你们有没有其他类似的汉语短语或俗语让你感到困惑?让我们一起分享并互相学习!请在下方留言,我期待与你们的交流。