
行舟明月客行舟明月客 2024-04-17 05:00:03 12 阅读


1. 实际上(in fact):用于表示事实或真相,强调说话者的观点是正确的。


2. 事实上(actually):用于引出一个更确切或更详细的信息,使陈述更具说服力。

3. 实质上(in reality):用于指出某个情况的本质或真正的状态。


1. In fact [ɪn ˈfækt]

2. Actually [ˈæktʃuəli]

3. In reality [ɪn riˈæləti]


1. 实际上,他并不是一个坏人,只是有时候表达方式不太好。

In fact, he is not a bad person, just sometimes not very good at expressing himself.

2. 你认为这个问题很简单,但实际上它非常复杂。

You think this problem is simple, but actually it is very complicated.

3. 这个项目在计划阶段看起来很好,但实际上存在很多风险。

This project looks great in the planning stage, but in reality, there are many risks involved.


1. Actually [ˈæktʃuəli]:实际上、事实上

- 例句:I thought she was angry with me, but actually she was just tired.


2. In fact [ɪn ˈfækt]:事实上、实际上

- 例句:I told her I couldnt come because I was busy, but in fact, I just didnt want to go.


3. In reality [ɪn riˈæləti]:实质上、事实上

- 例句:He seems confident, but in reality, he is very insecure.


在英语中,我们可以使用"actually"、"in fact"和"in reality"来表达汉语中的"实际上"。这三个词都强调了所说的话是符合事实的。你可以试着运用这些词来组织自己的句子,并尝试将它们应用到不同的场景中。如果有任何问题或需要进一步练习,请随时向我提问!


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