1. 模式(mó shì)
- n. 事物发生、发展、完成的方式、形式
- n. 遵循的规范或程序
- n. 数字、文字等重复出现或循环的规律
2. 方式(fāng shì)
- n. 事物进行或达到目的的方法
- n. 行为或举止的特点
3. 形式(xíng shì)
- n. 事物表现出来的外在形态
- n. 艺术作品或表演等的形状和结构
1. 他们正在研究这种动物迁徙的模式。
They are studying the migration pattern of this animal.
2. 她喜欢用不同颜色和花样编织毛衣。
She enjoys knitting sweaters with different colors and patterns.
3. 这个项目采用了一种全新的工作方式。
This project adopts a brand-new working pattern.
1. 模式(mó shì)- mode, method, form
This software has multiple modes to choose from.
2. 方式(fāng shì)- way, manner, method
We need to find a more efficient way to complete this task.
3. 形式(xíng shì)- form, shape, structure
This exhibition presents artworks in various forms.
pattern /ˈpætərn/ n.
1. a regular or repeated form or arrangement of something
- The wallpaper has a floral pattern.
- She noticed a pattern in his behavior.
2. the way that something happens, develops, or is done
- They are studying the migration patterns of birds.
- The company is trying to establish a new pattern of working.
3. a model or example for others to follow
- She set a pattern of hard work and dedication.
- His success became a pattern for future entrepreneurs.
4. a design or sequence that repeats or recurs
- The dance routine had intricate patterns.
- The pattern of the song is catchy and memorable.
5. verb: to imitate or copy (something)
- He tried to pattern his painting style after Picasso.
- The fashion designer patterns her designs after vintage clothing.
近义词:mode, design, style
反义词:disorder, chaos