
随心所欲随心所欲 2024-04-06 10:25:03 12 阅读


1. 中文释义:n. 一排,一行;(剧院、体育场等的)一排座位;街(用于某些道路名称);(表格的)横线,横栏;(编织中的)针行;划船(时间);严重分歧,纠纷;吵架,争吵;(持续时间长的)喧闹声,吵嚷声;严厉斥责 v. 划(船);划船送(某人或某物);参加划船比赛;争吵,吵架;痛斥,责骂;使……成排

英文释义:n. a line or sequence of people or things; a number of people standing or sitting in a more or less straight line; a street with rows of houses or other buildings; a horizontal line of cells in a table, usually containing information about one item and forming part of a spreadsheet or database; the action or skill of rowing a boat; a serious dispute, especially one that causes people to disagree for a long time; an angry noise, especially one made by shouting


2. 中文释义:n. 行,排,列

英文释义:n. a line, series, or range of things

3. 中文释义:v. 划船

英文释义:v. propel (a boat) with oars







1. British anti-corruption investigators accused their US counterparts of deceiving them during a row over a criminal inquiry that threatened cooperation between the two countries.


2. I took Daniel for a row.


3. We were sitting in the back row.



1. range:n. 范围,幅度;v. 变化,在某个范围内变动

示例句:The closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston threatens to start a fresh diplomatic row between China and the US, which said the move was to protect American intellectual property and Americans’ private information.


2. dispute:n. 争论,争议;v. 辩论,争吵

示例句:The closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston threatens to start a fresh diplomatic row between China and the US, which said the move was to protect American intellectual property and Americans’ private information.


3. row:n. 行,排,列

示例句:The closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston threatens to start a fresh diplomatic row between China and the US, which said the move was to protect American intellectual property and Americans’ private information.



1. row:n. 一排,一行;(剧院、体育场等的)一排座位;街(用于某些道路名称);(表格的)横线

[近义词] line, range, file

[反义词] column

[例句] In the top row.


2. row:n. 行;排;列

[近义词] line, series, range

[反义词] single

3. row:n. 一排,一行;(剧院、体育场等的)一排座位;街(用于某些道路名称);(表格的)横线

[近义词] line, file, range

[反义词] column




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