1. 理由 (lǐ yóu): reason; grounds; justification
2. 英语 (Yīng yǔ): English language
1. Reason
2. Grounds
3. Justification
4. English language
Reason: 英音 [ˈri:zn] 美音 [ˈrizn]
Grounds: 英音 [ɡraʊndz] 美音 [ɡraʊndz]
Justification: 英音 [ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美音 [ˌdʒʌstəfɪˈkeɪʃn]
English language: 英音 [ˈɪŋlɪʃ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 美音 [ˈɪŋlɪʃ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]
1. 这个问题的理由很简单,我们需要保护环境。(The reason for this problem is simple; we need to protect the environment.)
2. 我们有充分的理由相信他是无辜的。(We have good grounds to believe that he is innocent.)
3. 他提供了一些合理的辩解,但我们仍然需要更多的证据来证明他的清白。(He provided some reasonable justifications, but we still need more evidence to prove his innocence.)
4. 学习英语是为了更好地与世界沟通。(Learning English is for better communication with the world.)
1. 理由 (lǐ yóu) - reason; grounds; justification
- 词义相关:原因 (yuán yīn) - cause; reason
- 词义相关:动机 (dòng jī) - motivation
- 词义相关:解释 (jiě shì) - explanation
- 反义词:无理由 (wú lǐ yóu) - without reason
- 反义词:毫无根据 (háo wú gēn jù) - baseless
2. 英语 (Yīng yǔ) - English language
- 词义相关:外语 (wài yǔ) - foreign language
- 词义相关:中文 (zhōng wén) - Chinese language
- 例句:她正在学习英语,希望能够去英国留学。(She is studying English with the hope of studying abroad in the UK.)