be set to do,besetting 翻译

天生情兽天生情兽 2024-04-07 08:25:03 11 阅读


1. 困扰;使烦恼(动词)- to cause problems or difficulties for someone or something

be set to do,besetting 翻译

2. 包围;环绕(动词)- to surround or enclose someone or something, especially in a way that causes difficulties

3. 困境;困难(名词)- a difficult situation or problem that causes a lot of problems or worries




1. The country is beset by economic problems and political conflicts.


2. He was beset by doubts about his decision.


3. The city was beset by heavy snowfall, causing traffic chaos.



1. Problems - difficulties, challenges, issues

问题 - 困难,挑战,难题

2. Surround - encircle, envelop, hem in

包围 - 环绕,围绕,包裹

3. Difficulties - obstacles, hardships, setbacks

困难 - 障碍,艰苦,挫折


Beset is a verb that can be used in various contexts to convey the idea of causing problems or difficulties for someone or something. It can also mean to surround or enclose someone or something, often in a way that creates obstacles or challenges.

When used in the sense of causing problems or difficulties, beset implies that something is bothering or troubling someone. For example, one might say, "She was beset by financial troubles," meaning that she was facing a lot of financial difficulties that were causing her stress and worry. Similarly, one could say, "The company was beset by a series of setbacks," indicating that the company was experiencing a string of problems or obstacles.

Beset can also be used to describe the act of surrounding or encircling someone or something. This can be in a physical sense, such as when a building is beset by high walls for security purposes. It can also be used metaphorically to describe being surrounded by problems or challenges. For instance, one might say, "The city was beset by rising crime rates," meaning that the city was facing increasing crime issues from all sides.

In addition to its verb form, beset can also be used as a noun to refer to a difficult situation or problem. This usage is less common but still valid. For example, one might say, "He found himself in a beset," meaning that he was caught in a difficult situation with no easy solution.

Beset is often used in formal and written contexts to convey a sense of seriousness and gravity. It is particularly useful when describing situations that involve multiple problems or challenges. By using this word, one can effectively communicate the idea of being overwhelmed or surrounded by difficulties.

To summarize, beset is an English word that can be used as both a verb and noun. As a verb, it means to cause problems or difficulties for someone or something and also to surround or enclose in a challenging manner. As a noun, it refers to a difficult situation or problem. Understanding and using this word correctly will enhance your English vocabulary and help you express complex ideas more effectively.




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