1. 菜 (cài) - dish; vegetables
- 英文单词:dish, vegetables
- 英美发音:dish [dɪʃ], vegetables [ˈvɛdʒ.tə.bəlz]
- 双语例句:
- Hot delicious dishes are served. (热菜佳肴被上菜了。)
- Help yourself to this dish. (请吃点这个菜。)
- Spinach is a leafy green vegetable. (菠菜是一种绿色的叶菜。)
- 重点词汇:
- dish: a prepared or cooked food served in a container
- vegetables: plants that are used as food, such as carrots, peas, or broccoli
2. 菜 (cài) - cuisine
- 英文单词:cuisine
- 英美发音:cuisine [kwɪˈziːn]
- 双语例句:
- Chinese cuisine is famous for its variety of flavors. (中国的烹饪以其多样的口味而闻名。)
- I love trying different cuisines from around the world. (我喜欢尝试来自世界各地的不同风味菜肴。)
- 重点词汇:
- cuisine: a style or method of cooking, especially characteristic of a particular country or region
3. 菜 (cài) – appetizer; main course; dessert
- 英文单词:appetizer; main course; dessert
- 英美发音:appetizer [ˈæp.ɪ.taɪ.zər]; main course [meɪn kɔːrs]; dessert [dɪˈzɜːrt]
- 双语例句:
- We ordered some appetizers to start our meal. (我们点了一些开胃菜来开始我们的餐。)
- The main course was a delicious steak. (主菜是一块美味的牛排。)
- I always save room for dessert. (我总是为甜点留出空间。)
- 重点词汇:
- appetizer: a small dish of food served before the main part of a meal
- main course: the most important or substantial dish of a meal
- dessert: a sweet course served at the end of a meal