
笑饮孤鸿笑饮孤鸿 2024-06-28 21:15:04 3 阅读


1. 强调(qiáng diào)

emphasize, stress, accentuate

2. 强调的(qiáng diào de)


emphasizing, emphasized, stressed, stressing

3. 强调力度(qiáng diào lì dù)

emphasis, intensity of emphasis


1. emphasize [ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz]

v. 强调,重视,着重

to give special importance or attention to something; to stress or highlight something

2. stress [strɛs]

n. 强调;重音;压力;重力

vt. 重读;[机械学]使承受压力;给…加压力(或应力)

to emphasize or give importance to something; to put pressure on someone or something; to pronounce with emphasis

3. accentuate [ækˈsɛnʧuˌeɪt]

v. 强调;着重;使突出

to make something more noticeable or prominent; to highlight or draw attention to something


1. 我想强调这个问题的重要性。

I want to emphasize the importance of this issue.

2. 请注意,我特别强调这一点。

Please note that I am particularly emphasizing this point.

3. 这篇文章强调了环境保护的紧迫性。

This article stresses the urgency of environmental protection.


1. emphasis [ˈɛmfəsɪs]

n. 强调,重视

special importance or significance given to something; a stress or accent placed on a word or syllable in pronunciation

句子:The teacher put emphasis on the importance of good behavior in the classroom.

2. intensity [ɪnˈtɛnsəti]

n. 强度,强烈

the quality of being intense; extreme degree or strength

句子:The intensity of his emotions was evident in his passionate speech.

3. highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt]

v. 突出,强调

to emphasize or draw attention to something; to mark or color with a highlighter pen

句子:The speaker highlighted the key points of her presentation using visual aids.




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