1. 有趣的,有吸引力的 (adj.):引起兴趣或吸引注意力的。例句:The movie was very interesting. (这部电影非常有趣。)
2. 怪异的,奇特的 (adj.):与寻常不同或令人惊讶的。例句:That is an interesting hairstyle. (那是一个奇特的发型。)
3. 引起兴趣,使感兴趣 (v.):激发兴趣或吸引注意力。例句:The speakers topic was so interesting that I couldnt stop listening. (演讲者的话题非常有趣,以至于我停不下来听。)
1. Arousing (v.):激发、唤起
2. Attention (n.):注意力
3. Unusual (adj.):不寻常的、罕见的
1. 这本书非常有趣,我一口气读完了。(The book was so interesting that I read it in one breath.)
2. 他讲述了一个很有意思的故事,大家都被吸引住了。(He told a very interesting story that captivated everyone.)
3. 这个博物馆的展览非常有趣,你应该去看看。(The exhibition in this museum is very interesting, you should go and see it.)
1. Intriguing (adj.):有趣的、引人入胜的。例句:The detectives investigation was intriguing and full of unexpected twists. (这个侦探的调查既有趣又充满了意外的转折。)
2. Engaging (adj.):吸引人的、迷人的。例句:The teachers engaging personality made the class enjoyable. (老师迷人的个性使得课堂变得愉快。)
3. Fascinating (adj.):迷人的、令人着迷的。例句:The documentary about wildlife was absolutely fascinating. (关于野生动物的纪录片绝对令人着迷。)