
忘川边蒹葭忘川边蒹葭 2024-06-29 03:15:03 10 阅读


1. 指导 (zhǐ dǎo) - to guide; to direct; guidance

2. 老师 (lǎo shī) - teacher

3. 指导老师 (zhǐ dǎo lǎo shī) - mentor; advisor



1. Guide

2. Teacher

3. Mentor


1. Guide: [ɡaɪd]

2. Teacher: [ˈtiːtʃər]

3. Mentor: [ˈmɛntər]


1. 他是我的指导老师,帮助我在学术上取得了很多进步。

He is my mentor and has helped me make great progress in my studies.

2. 我的指导老师教我如何有效地组织和管理团队。

My advisor teaches me how to effectively organize and manage a team.

3. 她是一位优秀的指导老师,总能给予学生正确的方向和建议。

She is an excellent mentor who always provides students with the right direction and advice.


1. Guide (v.) - to show the way; to lead or direct

Example sentence: The tour guide showed us around the historical sites in the city.

2. Teacher (n.) - a person who instructs others, especially in a school or college setting

Example sentence: Mrs. Johnson is a dedicated teacher who always goes above and beyond for her students.

3. Mentor (n.) - an experienced and trusted advisor or guide

Example sentence: The young entrepreneur sought the guidance of a seasoned mentor to help navigate the business world.


1. Guide (v.) - to assist or show someone the way, especially by leading or directing them to a destination

- Example sentence: The experienced hiker guided the group safely through the treacherous mountain terrain.

- Synonyms: lead, direct, steer

- Antonyms: mislead, confuse

2. Teacher (n.) - a person who educates or instructs others, typically in a formal setting such as a school or university

- Example sentence: The teacher explained the complex mathematical concept in a way that was easy for the students to understand.

- Synonyms: educator, instructor, professor

- Antonyms: student, pupil

3. Mentor (n.) - an experienced and trusted advisor or guide who provides support and guidance to someone less experienced

- Example sentence: The successful entrepreneur took on the role of mentor to help aspiring business owners achieve their goals.

- Synonyms: advisor, coach, counselor

- Antonyms: mentee, follower




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