1. 命运;预先注定;宿命论,得救预定论
2. (宗教) 上帝在创造世界之前已经决定了每个人的命运
3. 预先注定的结果或情节
1. 随便你怎么定义“宿命”(Predestination),但我管它叫“现实”(Reality)。活在当下,比什么都重要,“自由意志”是否真的存在。
It doesnt matter how you define "predestination," but I call it "reality." Living in the present moment is more important than anything else, whether or not "free will" truly exists.
2. 中文名前目的地 外文名Predestination 其它译名宿命论(香港)、超时空拦截(台湾)、命定终途、宿命论 出品时间2014年 出品公司Screen Australia。
Chinese name: 前目的地 (Predestination) Foreign name: Predestination Other translations: 宿命论 (Hong Kong), 超时空拦截 (Taiwan), 命定终途 (Destined End), 宿命论 (Predestination) Release year: 2014 Production company: Screen Australia.
3. predestination ( pr iː destɪn eɪ ʃ ə n , US priːd e st- )不可数名词 If you believe in predestination.
Predestination ( pr iː destɪn eɪ ʃ ə n , US priːd e st- ) is an uncountable noun. If you believe in predestination.
1. 命运 (fate)
- 这个故事讲述了两个人命运的交织。
This story tells the intertwining fates of two individuals.
- 命运是无法预测的。
Fate is unpredictable.
2. 预先注定 (predestine)
- 我相信每个人的命运都是预先注定的。
I believe that everyones fate is predestined.
- 这个决定已经被预先注定了。
This decision has already been predestined.
3. 宿命论 (fatalism)
- 他坚信宿命论,认为一切都是注定好了的。
He firmly believes in fatalism and thinks that everything is preordained.
- 宿命论认为人类无法改变自己的命运。
Fatalism holds that humans cannot change their own destiny.