1. 优点 (yōu diǎn)
- 英文单词:Advantage
- 英美发音:[ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ]
- 双语例句:
- 它具有既方便又便宜的双重优点。It has the dual advantage of being both convenient and inexpensive.
- 他的语言天赋是他最大的优点之一。His linguistic talent is one of his greatest advantages.
- 在选购电子产品时,了解不同品牌的优点是很重要的。Its important to know the advantages of different brands when buying electronic products.
- 重点词汇:
- 有利条件 (favorable conditions)
- 有利因素 (favorable factors)
- 优势 (superiority)
2. 长处 (cháng chù)
- 英文单词:Merit
- 英美发音:[ˈmerɪt]
- 双语例句:
- 这位学生在数学方面有很大的长处。This student has a great merit in mathematics.
- 做事认真是她最大的长处之一。Being meticulous in her work is one of her greatest merits.
- 我们应该发掘和发展自己的长处。We should discover and develop our own merits.
- 重点词汇:
- 美德 (virtue)
- 价值 (value)
- 功绩 (achievement)
3. 优秀品质 (yōu xiù pǐn zhì)
- 英文单词:Virtue
- 英美发音:[ˈvɜːtʃuː]
- 双语例句:
- 谦虚是一种美德。Humility is a virtue.
- 善良和正直是他的优秀品质之一。Kindness and honesty are among his virtues.
- 她以其高尚的道德品质而闻名。She is famous for her noble moral virtues.
- 重点词汇:
- 德行 (moral character)
- 良好习惯 (good habits)
- 用处 (usefulness)