
泪随青丝散泪随青丝散 2024-04-09 07:40:02 11 阅读


1. 说明书 (shuō míng shū) - specification; instruction book; explanatory memorandum; direction


2. 翻译 (fān yì) - translation; to translate

3. 说明 (shuō míng) - explanation; to explain


1. Specification

2. Translation

3. Explanation


Specification: [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]

Translation: [trænsˈleɪʃ(ə)n]

Explanation: [ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃ(ə)n]


1. 这本说明书包含了产品的详细规格和使用方法。

This specification book contains detailed product specifications and instructions.

2. 我正在进行这篇文章的翻译工作。

I am working on the translation of this article.

3. 请对这个概念进行简单的解释。

Please provide a brief explanation of this concept.


1. Instruction (指示、指令)

- 释义:a direction or order.

- 句子:The manual provided clear instructions on how to assemble the furniture.

- 近义词:direction, guidance, command

- 反义词:misdirection, confusion, misunderstanding

2. Memorandum (备忘录、内部通知)

- 释义:a written message or report used within an organization for internal communication.

- 句子:The manager sent a memorandum to all employees regarding the upcoming meeting.

- 近义词:memo, note, communication

- 反义词:announcement, public notice

3. Translate (翻译)

- 释义:to express the meaning of words or text in another language.

- 句子:She is fluent in both English and French, which allows her to easily translate between the two languages.

- 近义词:interpret, render, paraphrase

- 反义词:misinterpret, mistranslate, confuse




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