负责人英文对应的是"person in charge", "responsible person", "Responsible Officer", "principal"。
1. person in charge [ˈpɜrsn ɪn tʃɑrdʒ] - 负责人、主管
- 中文释义:指负有某项工作、活动或组织的管理职责和权力的人。
- 英文释义:
1. the individual who is responsible for a particular task, activity, or organization.
2. the director or manager of a business, organization, or department.
- She is the person in charge of the project. (她是这个项目的负责人。)
- We need to inform the person in charge about the changes. (我们需要通知负责人有关变更的事项。)
- responsible [rɪˈspɑnsəbl] adj. 负责任的,可靠的,应负责任的
- 中文释义:有责任感的,能够承担职责并采取行动的。
- 双语例句:
- He is a responsible employee and always completes his tasks on time. (他是一个负责任的员工,总是按时完成任务。)
- It is important to teach children to be responsible for their actions. (教育孩子对自己的行为负责是很重要的。)
2. responsible person [rɪˈspɑnsəbl ˈpɜrsn] - 负责人、有责任感的人
- 中文释义:指具备承担责任并能够履行职责的个体。
- 英文释义:
1. an individual who is capable of taking responsibility and fulfilling duties.
2. a person who can be relied upon to act in a responsible manner.
- We need a responsible person to take care of the project while Im away. (在我离开期间,我们需要一个负责任的人来照顾这个项目。)
- A responsible person always considers the consequences of their actions. (一个有责任感的人总是考虑自己行为的后果。)
- capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti] n. 能力,才能,资格
- 中文释义:指具备完成某项任务或承担某种角色所需的能力和资格。
- 双语例句:
- She has the capability to handle complex projects. (她有处理复杂项目的能力。)
- Its important to recognize and develop your own capabilities. (认识和发展自己的能力很重要。)
3. Responsible Officer [rɪˈspɑnsəbl ˈɔfɪsər] - 负责官员、负责人员
- 中文释义:指在组织、机构或公司中担任负责特定职责的官员或人员。
- 英文释义:an officer or personnel who is responsible for specific duties within an organization, institution, or company.
- The Responsible Officer of the company will be in charge of monitoring compliance. (公司的负责人将负责监督合规事宜。)
- Each department has a designated Responsible Officer who oversees their operations. (每个部门都有一个指定的负责人负责监督他们的运作。)
- officer [ˈɔfɪsər] n. 官员,干事,军官
- 中文释义:指在政府、军队、警察等组织中担任职务的人员。
- 双语例句:
- He was promoted to the rank of officer in the army. (他在军队中被提升为军官。)
- The police officers are responsible for maintaining law and order. (警察负责维护法律和秩序。)
4. principal [ˈprɪnsəpəl] - 负责人、校长
- 中文释义:指学校、机构或组织中担任管理职务的人,特指学校的校长。
- 英文释义:
1. a person who has controlling authority in a school, organization, or institution.
2. specifically, the head of a school.
- The principal is responsible for making important decisions regarding the school. (校长负责对学校做出重要决策。)
- The principal of the company is highly respected by all employees. (公司的负责人受到所有员工的高度尊敬。)
- authority [əˈθɔrəti] n. 权威,权力,职权
- 中文释义:指拥有决策、控制和命令权力的人或机构。
- 双语例句:
- He has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the company. (他有代表公司做出决策的权力。)
- The government has the authority to enforce laws and regulations. (政府有执行法律和规章的权力。)