
玩世不恭的男人玩世不恭的男人 2024-04-02 10:25:02 9 阅读



1. 收费 (shōu fèi) - charge, collect fee, toll

2. 付款 (fù kuǎn) - make payment

3. 缴纳 (jiǎo nà) - pay, remit


1. Charge [tʃɑːrdʒ]

2. Payment [ˈpeɪmənt]

3. Remit [rɪˈmɪt]


1. Charge: 美式发音 [tʃɑːrdʒ],英式发音 [tʃɑːdʒ]

2. Payment: 美式发音 [ˈpeɪmənt],英式发音 [ˈpeɪmənt]

3. Remit: 美式发音 [rɪˈmɪt],英式发音 [rəmit]


1. 这家餐厅收费很高。- This restaurant charges a high fee.

2. 请在付款截止日期之前缴纳学费。- Please remit the tuition fee before the payment deadline.

3. 购买商品后,请立即付款。- Please make payment immediately after purchasing the goods.


1. Fee [fiː] - 费用,酬金

- The school tuition fee is due at the end of each semester.


- The lawyer charges a consultation fee for his services.


2. Cost [kɒst] - 成本,费用

- The cost of living in this city is quite high.


- The company needs to calculate the production cost before setting the price.


3. Price [praɪs] - 价格

- What is the price of this shirt?


- The store has discounted the prices of all their products for the holiday sale.





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