1. 单挑 (dān tiǎo)
- n. challenge
- adj. one-on-one
2. 英文 (yīng wén)
- n. English language
- adj. English
3. 单 (dān)
- adj. single; individual; alone
- n. bill; ticket
1. Challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ]
- n. a call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a game or sport
- v. invite someone to engage in a contest
2. Work on ones own
- phrase: do something by oneself; work independently without assistance
3. One-on-one hit
- phrase: an individual confrontation or fight between two people
1. 我们来PK(挑战)他们。- Lets challenge them.
2. 很多人喜欢看直播PK唱歌、跳舞、脱口秀……各种才艺应有尽有。- Many people enjoy watching live broadcasts of singers, dancers, and comedians competing with each other in various talents.
3. 在这个比赛中,他们进行了一场激烈的单挑。- In this competition, they had an intense one-on-one fight.
1. 挑战 (tiǎo zhàn) - v./n.
- v.: to challenge; to dare; to provoke
- n.: challenge; defiance
1) 他勇敢地接受了这个挑战。- He bravely accepted the challenge.
2) 这个游戏对智商提出了极大的挑战。- This game poses a great challenge to intelligence.
2. 对抗 (duì kàng) - v./n.
- v.: to confront; to resist; to oppose
- n.: confrontation; resistance; opposition
1) 这两个团队正在激烈对抗。- These two teams are in fierce confrontation.
2) 我们必须对抗恶势力。- We must resist evil forces.
3. 比赛 (bǐ sài) - n./v.
- n.: competition; match
- v.: to compete; to have a match
1) 我们将在下周进行一场篮球比赛。- We will have a basketball match next week.
2) 她非常喜欢参加游泳比赛。- She enjoys participating in swimming competitions.