
枫鑫毅云维禹枫鑫毅云维禹 2024-03-24 09:55:02 5 阅读



1. FB:运货单(freight bill);消防队(fire brigade);反馈(feed back);

2. Fb: 在光学中是后焦距的意思,如在平凸透镜中,Fb指从平面到焦点的距离,双凸透镜中,Fb指任意一个镜曲面到焦点的距离。






1. 我昨天收到了一封确认邮件,但是我忘记了附上运货单。

I received a confirmation email yesterday, but I forgot to attach the freight bill.

2. 当火灾发生时,消防队立即赶到现场进行救援。

When the fire broke out, the fire brigade rushed to the scene for rescue.

3. 请尽快给我们反馈您对产品的意见和建议。

Please give us feedback on your opinions and suggestions for the product as soon as possible.


1. 运货单(freight bill)

- 运货单是指记录货物运输过程中相关信息的文件或票据。通常包括货物详细信息、收发货人信息、承运人信息等。

- A freight bill refers to a document or invoice that records relevant information about the transportation of goods. It usually includes detailed information about the goods, sender and receiver information, carrier information, etc.

2. 消防队(fire brigade)

- 消防队是指专门负责灭火、救援和应对火灾等紧急情况的组织或部门。

- A fire brigade refers to an organization or department that is specifically responsible for firefighting, rescue, and responding to emergencies such as fires.

3. 反馈(feed back)

- 反馈是指向某人提供有关他们行为、观点或表现的信息,以便他们可以了解并做出相应调整或改进。

- Feedback refers to providing someone with information about their actions, opinions, or performances so that they can understand and make corresponding adjustments or improvements.



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