
看透世事悲凉看透世事悲凉 2024-06-29 08:55:02 2 阅读


1. 鲨鱼 (shā yú) - 鲨鱼是一种大型海洋鱼类,通常具有锋利的牙齿和强壮的身体。它们是食肉动物,以其他鱼类、海豚和海豹等为食。


- Shark - A shark is a large marine fish that typically has sharp teeth and a robust body. They are carnivorous and feed on other fish, dolphins, seals, etc.

2. 鲨 (shā) - 鲨指的是鲨鱼这类生物。

- Shark - The term "shā" refers to the creature known as a shark.

3. 骗子; 欺诈者 (piàn zi; qī zhà zhě) - 这个词也可以用来形容一个欺诈或行骗的人。

- Swindler; Fraudster - This word can also be used to describe someone who deceives or defrauds others.


1. Shark

2. Swindler

3. Fraudster


1. Shark: /ʃɑːrk/

2. Swindler: /ˈswɪndlər/

3. Fraudster: /ˈfrɔːdstər/


1. 这个海洋馆里有许多种类的鲨鱼。

- There are many different species of sharks in this aquarium.

2. 我被一个骗子骗了一大笔钱。

- I was cheated out of a large sum of money by a swindler.

3. 这个地区的警察一直在努力打击欺诈者活动。

- The police in this area have been working hard to crack down on fraudsters.


1. 大型 (dà xíng) - large

2. 食肉动物 (shí ròu dòng wù) - carnivorous animal

3. 欺诈 (qī zhà) - deceit, fraud


- 相关词义:

- 鲨鱼鳍状部分 (shā yú qí zhuàng bù fen) - shark fin

- 鲨鱼肉 (shā yú ròu) - shark meat

- 句子:

- 这个鲨鱼嘴巴非常大,可以一口吞下很多东西。

This shark has a very large mouth and can swallow many things in one bite.

- 近义词:

- 鲸鱼 (jīng yú) - whale

- 海豚 (hǎi tún) - dolphin

- 反义词:

- 小鱼 (xiǎo yú) - small fish

- 海龟 (hǎi guī) – sea turtle




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