1. n. (报纸的)标题,大字标题;(广播或电视里的)新闻提要,头条新闻
2. v. 给(报道、文章)加标题;在(演出)中担任主演;大肆宣传
1. 我们通过头条新闻和热门故事来了解中国的文化和旅游。
We learn about the culture and travel in China through our headline news and top stories.
2. 学校党委书记李军锋带队到苏州调研,党委常委、副校长陈红兵讲授专题党课。
Headline: School Party Secretary Li Junfeng led a team to Suzhou for research, Party Committee member and Vice President Chen Hongbing gave a special party lecture.
3. 北京建筑大学举办适应气候变化的城市排水及洪涝风险管理研讨会。
Beijing Architecture University held a seminar on urban drainage and flood risk management in response to climate change.
1. newspaper (n.) - 报纸
- The headline appeared on the front page of the newspaper.
2. broadcast (n.) - 广播;播音
- The breaking news was announced on the evening broadcast.
3. promote (v.) - 促进;推广
- The company used a catchy headline to promote their new product.
headline (n.) - 报纸的标题,大字标题;广播或电视里的新闻提要,头条新闻
1. 报纸的标题,大字标题:指报纸上用较大号字体印刷的文章题目或新闻摘要。
- The headline of the newspaper caught my attention.
2. 广播或电视里的新闻提要,头条新闻:指广播、电视等媒体在节目中用来引起观众兴趣并介绍主要内容的部分。
- The headline news reported the latest developments in the stock market.
headline (v.) - 给(报道、文章)加标题;在(演出)中担任主演;大肆宣传
1. 给(报道、文章)加标题:指为报道或文章添加一个简短而有吸引力的题目。
- The editor asked me to headline the article with an attention-grabbing title.
2. 在(演出)中担任主演:指在舞台剧、音乐会等演出中扮演重要角色。
- The famous actor will headline the new Broadway play.
3. 大肆宣传:指通过各种方式广泛宣传,以吸引公众的注意。
- The company will headline their new product with a major advertising campaign.
近义词:title, heading, caption
反义词:subheading, minor news