1. 比较 (bǐ jiào):表示在两个或多个事物之间进行比较,强调相对大小、优劣或差异。
- Comparison; comparatively; relatively.
- Example: 这部电影比较好看。 (Zhè bù diànyǐng bǐjiào hǎokàn.) This movie is relatively good.
2. 嗨 (hāi):表示情绪、气氛或活动等热烈、兴奋、高涨。
- Hi; hey; excited.
- Example: 今晚的派对一定很嗨。 (Jīnwǎn de pàiduì yídìng hěn hāi.) Tonights party must be very exciting.
3. 歌 (gē):指用歌唱的方式表达的音乐作品。
- Song.
- Example: 我喜欢听流行歌曲。 (Wǒ xǐhuān tīng liúxíng gēqǔ.) I like listening to pop songs.
English Words:
1. Comparison
2. Hi
3. Song
1. Comparison [kəmˈperɪsn]
2. Hi [haɪ]
3. Song [sɒŋ]
Bilingual Sentences:
1. This song is more popular than the last one.
Zhè shǒu gē bǐ shàng yī shǒu gèng shòu huānyíng.
2. The atmosphere at the concert was really high.
Yǎnchànghuì de qìfēn fēicháng hāi.
3. I like listening to English songs.
Wǒ xǐhuān tīng yīngwén gēqǔ.
Key Vocabulary:
1. Popular (adj.) - 受欢迎的 (shòu huānyíng de)
2. Concert (n.) - 演唱会 (yǎnchànghuì)
3. English (adj.) - 英文的 (yīngwén de)
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