
曾经的温柔曾经的温柔 2024-04-04 08:30:03 10 阅读

天人合一英文的中英释义有多个。其中一个是"theory that man is an integral part of nature"。这个释义表明了天人合一是一种理论,认为人类是自然的一个不可分割的部分。


另一个相关的释义是"the unity of man/human and nature",意思是人与自然的统一。这个释义强调了人类与自然之间的紧密联系和相互依赖。

还有一个类似的释义是"the harmony between nature and humanity",意思是自然与人类之间的和谐。这个释义强调了通过与自然和谐相处,人类可以达到心灵上的满足和平衡。

根据以上几个中英释义,我们可以得出天人合一英文对应的单词是"theory that man is an integral part of nature"、 "the unity of man/human and nature" 和 "the harmony between nature and humanity"。


1. 就如同同“庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶”,天人合一。

Just like in Zhuangzis dream where he couldnt tell whether he was a man or a butterfly, there is the concept of Tianrenheyi.

2. Natures Harmony(自然的和谐)又名Celestial Harmony(天人合一)。

Natures Harmony, also known as Celestial Harmony, is a concept that emphasizes the unity between man and nature.

3. 16 天人合一 the unity of man/human and nature; Heaven-Man Oneness(书面); Heaven and man are one.

16. 天人合一是指人类与自然的统一;天地与人类的和谐。




1. theory (n.) - a set of principles or ideas that explain a phenomenon or an event

2. integral (adj.) - necessary and important as a part of a whole

3. unity (n.) - the state of being united or joined together as a whole


1. harmony (n.) - a state of agreement or peaceful coexistence

2. nature (n.) - the physical world and everything in it, including plants, animals, and humans

3. humanity (n.) - the human race; human beings collectively


1. oneness (n.) - the state of being one or united

2. interconnectedness (n.) - the state of being connected or related to each other

3. integration (n.) - the act of combining different parts into a whole


1. separation (n.) - the act of dividing or disconnecting something

2. disunity (n.) - lack of unity or cooperation among individuals or groups

3. disharmony (n.) - lack of agreement or compatibility




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