1. 受命于 (shòu mìng yú) - by order of
- 依照命令,遵循指示的意思。
- By following the command or instruction.
2. 浴血黑帮 (yù xiě hēi bāng) - Peaky Blinders
- 一部英国犯罪剧,以1920年代伯明翰的黑帮活动为背景。剧中主要讲述了谢尔比家族的故事。
- A British crime drama set in the 1920s in Birmingham, England, focusing on the activities of the Shelby crime family.
3. 剃刀党 (tì dāo dǎng) - Peaky Blinders
- 谢尔比家族在剧中的绰号,因为他们在战争期间将剃刀藏在帽子顶部,用来袭击对手。
- The nickname of the Shelby family in the show, as they hid razors in the peaks of their caps to use as weapons during fights.
English Words:
1. by order of
2. Peaky Blinders
3. Shelby
- by order of: [baɪ ˈɔːdər ʌv]
- Peaky Blinders: [ˈpiːki ˈblaɪndərz]
- Shelby: [ˈʃɛlbi]
Bilingual Sentences:
1. The police arrested him by order of the chief.
2. The Peaky Blinders is a popular TV series set in post-World War I England.
3. Shelby is a surname that originated from the Old English word for "willow grove."
(Shelby 是一个源自古英语中“柳树林”的姓氏。)
Key Vocabulary:
1. command - an order given by someone in authority
2. crime family - a group of individuals involved in organized crime
3. nickname - a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name
Interactive Learning: