航程英文的中英释义有:voyage, range, sail, cruding range。
1. Voyage [ˈvɔɪɪdʒ] (n.) 航程、航海
- The captain victualed his ship for the voyage. (船长为他的船储备食物,以备航程中食用。)
- The voyage from England to India used to take six months. (过去从英格兰到印度要航行六个月。)
- They set off on a long and perilous voyage. (他们开始一次漫长而危险的航行。)
2. Range [reɪndʒ] (n.) 航程、射程
- The aircraft has a range of 3000 miles. (这架飞机的航程是3000英里。)
- The missile has a range of 100 kilometers. (这枚导弹的射程是100公里。)
- The ships range is limited due to fuel constraints. (由于燃料限制,这艘船的航程有限。)
3. Sail [seɪl] (v.) 航行
- The ship sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. (这艘船穿越了大西洋。)
- They sailed around the world in a small yacht. (他们乘坐小游艇环游世界。)
- The cruise ship sails to exotic destinations. (豪华邮轮驶往异国情调的目的地。)
- Flight [flaɪt] (n.) 航班、飞行
- I booked a flight to Paris for next week. (我订了下周去巴黎的航班。)
- The flight was delayed due to bad weather. (由于恶劣天气,这趟航班延误了。)
- The pilot announced that the flight would be landing soon. (飞行员宣布飞机即将着陆。)
- Passage [ˈpæsɪdʒ] (n.) 航行、通道
- The ships passage through the Panama Canal was smooth. (这艘船通过巴拿马运河时非常顺利。)
- He bought a first-class passage on the luxury liner. (他购买了豪华客轮的头等舱位。)
- The passage of time is inevitable. (时间的流逝是不可避免的。)
- Sea or Air distance [si: or eər ˈdɪstəns] (n.) 海上或空中距离
- The sea distance between the two ports is approximately 500 nautical miles. (两个港口之间的海上距离大约是500海里。)
- The air distance from New York to London is around 3500 miles. (从纽约到伦敦的空中距离大约为3500英里。)
航程英文的一些重点词汇包括:voyage, range, sail, flight, passage以及sea or air distance。这些词汇描述了航行、航程以及相关的概念。
- 航行 (sailing)
- 航海 (navigation)
- 旅行 (traveling)
- 飞行 (flying)
- 停泊 (anchoring)
- 静止 (stationary)
- 停留 (staying)