
三千烟雨三千烟雨 2024-04-17 06:20:04 10 阅读


1. 巧虎乐智小天地学习版:Qiaohu Lezhi Xiaotiandi Xuexi Ban


- Qiaohu: 巧虎 (Qiaohu) - Qiaohu is a popular educational brand for children in China, known for its various learning products and materials.

- Lezhi: 乐智 (Lezhi) - Lezhi means "happy and intelligent" in Chinese, which represents the goal of the educational content provided by Qiaohu.

- Xiaotiandi: 小天地 (Xiaotiandi) - Xiaotiandi translates to "little world" in English, indicating that it offers a diverse range of educational resources and activities for children.

- Xuexi Ban: 学习版 (Xuexi Ban) - Xuexi Ban means "learning edition" in Chinese, emphasizing the educational nature of the product.

2. 学习版 (Xuexi Ban): Learning Edition

- 学习 (Xuexi): Learning, Study

- 版 (Ban): Edition

3. 早教产品 (Zaojiao Chanpin): Early Education Product

- 早教 (Zaojiao): Early Education

- 产品 (Chanpin): Product


1. Qiaohu: Qiaohu

2. Lezhi: Lezhi

3. Xiaotiandi: Xiaot


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