1. 暂时的 (zàn shí de) adj. temporary; provisional; interim
- 暂时的停留:temporary stay
- 暂时解决问题:a temporary solution to the problem
2. 临时的 (lín shí de) adj. temporary; ad hoc; makeshift
- 临时工:temporary worker
- 临时住所:temporary residence
3. 短期的 (duǎn qī de) adj. short-term; brief
- 短期计划:short-term plan
- 短期内完成任务:complete the task in a short period of time
1. temporary [ˈtɛmpərəri] adj. 暂时的,临时的;短期的,短暂的; n. 临时雇员
2. provisional [prəˈvɪʒ(ə)n(ə)l] adj. 临时的,暂定的;暂行的; n. 臨時者,臨時人員
3. interim [ˈɪnt(ə)rɪm] n./adj. 过渡期(或阶段、时间),中间阶段(或时间)
4. ad hoc [æd ˈhɒk] adj./adv. 特别为某一目的而设立(或安排) 的,即兴设立(或安排) 的;
5. makeshift [ˈmækʃɪft] n./adj. 杂凑而成的东西,临时替代品; adv. 暂时地,临时性地
temporary [ˈtɛmpərəri]
provisional [prəˈvɪʒ(ə)n(ə)l]
interim [ˈɪnt(ə)rɪm]
ad hoc [æd ˈhɒk]
makeshift [ˈmækʃɪft]
1. 我需要找一份暂时的工作。
I need to find a temporary job.
2. 这只是一个暂时的解决方案。
This is just a temporary solution.
3. 我们正在寻找一个临时住所。
We are looking for a temporary residence.
1. temporary: 暂时的;临时的
- Temporary refers to something that exists or lasts for only a short period of time. It can be used to describe a situation, state, or condition that is of a temporary nature.
- For example, "temporary job," "temporary solution," "temporary worker."
2. provisional: 临时的;暂定的
- Provisional describes something that is temporary and subject to change or modification.
- For example, "provisional agreement," "provisional arrangement."
3. ad hoc: 特别为某一目的而设立(或安排) 的
- Ad hoc means something that is created or arranged specifically for a particular purpose and without prior planning.
- For example, "ad hoc committee," "ad hoc decision."
还有一个相关的表达方式是 ad hoc ,意为 "特别为某一目的而设立(或安排) 的"。它指事先没有计划而根据需要即兴设立(或安排) 的东西。例如,在解决紧急问题时可以采取 ad hoc 方案。
近义词包括 makeshift 和 provisional 。makeshift 指由杂乱无章地拼凑在一起而成的东西,通常具有临时替代品之意;provisional 指在暂时的基础上,假定或设立的。
与暂时的相反的词是 permanent ,意为"永久的"、"长期的",强调事物存在或持续时间较长。