
叶隐知心魂叶隐知心魂 2024-04-05 04:20:03 13 阅读


1. 数据线(dàtā xiàn):连接电子设备与计算机或其他设备之间传输数据的线缆,通常用于手机、平板电脑、相机等设备的充电和数据传输。


- USB cable: a cable used to connect electronic devices to a computer or other devices for data transfer and charging, commonly used for charging and data transfer of mobile phones, tablets, cameras, etc.

2. 连接线(liánjiē xiàn):用于连接两个或多个设备或部件之间的导线或线缆。

- Cable: a wire or set of wires used to connect two or more devices or components.

3. 数据连接线(dàtā liánjiē xiàn):用于传输数据信号的连接线,通常指用于计算机和外部设备之间传输数据的接口线。

- Data cable: a cable used to transmit data signals, usually referring to the interface cable used for data transfer between computers and external devices.


1. USB (Universal Serial Bus): 一种通用串行总线接口标准,广泛应用于计算机和电子设备之间的数据传输和连接。

- USB (Universal Serial Bus): a universal serial bus interface standard widely used for data transfer and connection between computers and electronic devices.

2. 充电(chōngdiàn):通过给电池或充电器提供电能,使其储存能量并恢复原有容量。

- Charge: to supply electrical energy to a battery or charger, enabling it to store energy and regain its original capacity.

3. 传输(chuánshū):将数据、信号、信息等从一个地方或设备传送到另一个地方或设备。

- Transfer: to transmit data, signals, information, etc. from one place or device to another.


1. 威斯康星州的研究人员用安装在脚后跟的无线发射机取代了需要塞进鞋子里的数据线。

Researchers in Wisconsin have replaced the need for data cables that had to be stuffed into shoes with wireless transmitters installed in the heels.

2. 单总线技术是使用一根数据线与一根返回线实现数据通信的主从式网络。

Single-bus technology is a master-slave network that uses one data line and one return line for data communication.

3. 如果您的主机系统没有串行端口,您可以使用USB连接线来连接外部设备。

If your host system has no serial port, you can use a USB cable to connect external devices.



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