1. 教程 (jiào chéng):n. tutorial; course; teaching material
- 你要参加这个大学教程,就需要通过三科高级证书考试。
You need to pass the advanced certificate exams in three subjects to attend this university tutorial.
2. 学习材料 (xué xí cái liào):n. study materials
- 我们会发给你一本教材作为学习材料。
We will give you a textbook as study materials.
3. 教学内容 (jiào xué nèi róng):n. teaching content
- 这门课程的教学内容非常丰富,包括理论知识和实践操作。
The teaching content of this course is very rich, including theoretical knowledge and practical operations.
1. Tutorial [tjuˈtɔ:riəl]:n. 个人辅导的;教程
- I have a tutorial on Monday afternoon to discuss my essay with the professor.
2. Lecture [ˈlɛkʧər]:n. 讲座;演讲;讲课
- I attended a lecture on psychology yesterday, and it was very informative.
3. Course [kɔrs]:n. 课程;科目
- I am taking a course on computer programming this semester.
tutorial:[tjuˈtɔ:riəl] (英音);[tuˈtɔrɪəl,-ˈtor-,tju-] (美音)
1. 这门课程需要参加两个教程和一个讲座。
This course requires attendance at two tutorials and one lecture.
2. 我们的教授会在每个教程中讲解重要的概念和技巧。
Our professor will explain important concepts and skills in each tutorial.
3. 这本教材包含了课程的所有内容,非常适合自学。
This textbook covers all the content of the course and is very suitable for self-study.
1. 教程 (jiào chéng):n. tutorial; course; teaching material
- 你要参加这个大学教程,就需要通过三科高级证书考试。
You need to pass the advanced certificate exams in three subjects to attend this university tutorial.
2. 学习材料 (xué xí cái liào):n. study materials
- 我们会发给你一本教材作为学习材料。
We will give you a textbook as study materials.
3. 教学内容 (jiào xué nèi róng):n. teaching content
- 这门课程的教学内容非常丰富,包括理论知识和实践操作。
The teaching content of this course is very rich, including theoretical knowledge and practical operations.