1. vt. 装以玻璃;上釉于
2. vi. 变呆滞;变得光滑
3. n. 釉;光滑面
英美发音:美 [ɡleɪz] 英 [ɡleɪz]
1. The potter carefully glazed the ceramic bowl to give it a shiny finish.
2. Her eyes glazed over as she stared out the window, lost in thought.
3. The bakery used a sweet glaze on top of their donuts to make them more appealing.
1. glass (n.) - 玻璃
- The windows of the building were made of tinted glass.
- 这栋建筑的窗户是用带色玻璃制成的。
2. pottery (n.) - 陶器
- The museum displayed a collection of ancient pottery from different cultures.
- 博物馆展示了来自不同文化的古代陶器收藏品。
3. shiny (adj.) - 有光泽的
- She polished her shoes until they were shiny and clean.
- 她擦拭鞋子,使其变得光亮整洁。
glaze (vt.) 装以玻璃;上釉于
- to cover or coat with glass or glaze
- 用玻璃或釉料覆盖或涂抹
glaze (vi.) 变呆滞;变得光滑
- to become dull or smooth in appearance
- 变得暗淡或表面光滑
glaze (n.) 釉;光滑面
- a smooth, glossy coating on a surface, often made of glass or ceramic materials
- 表面上的一层光滑、有光泽的涂层,通常由玻璃或陶瓷材料制成
1. The potter carefully glazed the ceramic bowl to give it a shiny finish.
- potter (n.) 陶工:a person who makes pottery
- ceramic (adj.) 陶瓷的:related to pottery or made of clay and hardened by heat
2. Her eyes glazed over as she stared out the window, lost in thought.
- stare (v.) 凝视:to look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something
- lost in thought 沉思:deeply engrossed or absorbed in thought
3. The bakery used a sweet glaze on top of their donuts to make them more appealing.
- bakery (n.) 面包店:a place where bread and cakes are made or sold
- donut (n.) 甜甜圈:a small, usually ring-shaped cake fried in deep fat and typically coated with sugar or icing
1. gloss (vt.) 上光;掩饰
- She glossed over the mistakes in her report to make it seem better than it actually was.
- 她掩盖了报告中的错误,使其看起来比实际情况要好。
2. enamel (n.) 搪瓷;珐琅
- The artist created a beautiful enamel painting on the ceramic plate.
- 艺术家在陶瓷盘子上创作了一幅美丽的搪瓷画。
1. dull (adj.) 暗淡的;迟钝的
- The old knife had a dull blade that couldnt cut through anything.
- 那把旧刀具有一个钝钝的刀刃,无法切割任何东西。
2. rough (adj.) 粗糙的;坎坷的
- The surface of the wall was rough and uneven, needing to be sanded down.
- 墙壁的表面很粗糙不平,需要打磨。