愿望成真 英文
1. 愿望成真 (yuàn wàng chéng zhēn) - Dreams come true.
2. 实现梦想 (shí xiàn mèng xiǎng) - Make dreams come true.
3. 愿望达成 (yuàn wàng dá chéng) - Fulfill wishes.
1. Dreams come true
2. Make a wish come true
3. Fulfillment of desires
1. Dreams come true - [driːmz kʌm truː]
2. Make a wish come true - [meɪk ə wɪʃ kʌm truː]
3. Fulfillment of desires - [fʊlˈfɪlmənt əv dɪˈzaɪərz]
1. 她一直追求自己的梦想,最终她的愿望成真了。She has been pursuing her dreams and finally her dreams came true.
2. 我们努力工作,希望能够实现梦想。We work hard, hoping to make our dreams come true.
3. 他们通过不懈努力和坚持,最终实现了他们的愿望。They achieved their wishes through relentless efforts and perseverance.
1. 愿望 (yuàn wàng) - wish, desire
相关词义: 希望 (xī wàng) - hope
句子: 我希望我的愿望能够实现。I hope my wishes can come true.
近义词: 志愿 (zhì yuàn) - aspiration, ambition
反义词: 绝望 (jué wàng) - despair
2. 实现 (shí xiàn) - realize, achieve
相关词义: 达到 (dá dào) - reach
句子: 我们努力工作,希望能够实现自己的梦想。We work hard, hoping to achieve our dreams.
近义词: 完成 (wán chéng) - accomplish, complete
反义词: 失败 (shī bài) - fail
3. 成真 (chéng zhēn) - come true
相关词义: 实现 (shí xiàn) - realize, achieve
句子: 我们的愿望终于成真了!Our wishes have finally come true!
近义词: 实现了 (shí xiàn le) - realized, achieved
反义词: 破灭了 (pò miè le) - shattered, crushed
通过以上解释,我们可以看出,"愿望成真"可以用多种英文表达方式来表示,如"Dreams come true"、"Make a wish come true"和"Fulfillment of desires"等。这些表达方式都可以准确地传达出"愿望成真"的含义。我们还学到了一些相关的词汇和句子,帮助我们更好地理解和运用这一词汇。