
哭得撕心裂肺哭得撕心裂肺 2024-03-26 09:40:03 5 阅读


1. 舞者 (wǔ zhě):指从事舞蹈表演的人,尤指专业的舞蹈演员。


- dancer: a person who performs dances, especially as a professional

- hoofer: a professional dancer, especially one who performs tap dancing

2. 舞者协会 (wǔ zhě xié huì):一个由舞蹈家组成的组织,旨在促进舞蹈艺术的发展和交流。

- dancers association: an organization composed of dancers, aimed at promoting the development and exchange of dance art

3. 舞团 (wǔ tuán):一个由一群舞者组成的团体,共同参与和展示舞蹈作品。

- dance company: a group of dancers who work together and perform dance works collectively


1. dancer [ˈdɑːnsər]

2. hoofer [ˈhuːfər]


- dancer: 美式发音 [ˈdænsər],英式发音 [ˈdɑːnsə(r)]

- hoofer: 英美发音 [ˈhuːfər]


1. 舞者的身影摇摆不停。

- The dancers figure swayed continuously.

2. 他是一名与舞者合作过的编舞家。

- He is a choreographer who has collaborated with dancers.

3. 这个舞团的演出非常精彩,吸引了众多观众。

- The performance of this dance company is very exciting and has attracted a large audience.


1. 舞蹈家 (wǔ dǎo jiā):指专业从事舞蹈的人,尤指受过专业训练并有一定成就的舞者。

- dancer: a person who is professionally trained in dance and has achieved a certain level of accomplishment

2. 跳舞者 (tiào wǔ zhě):指进行跳舞表演的人,包括任何风格和形式的跳舞。

- dancer: a person who performs dances, including any style and form of dance

3. 跳踏达舞者 (tiào tà dá wǔ zhě):指擅长跳踏达舞(一种以脚步声为主要音乐元素的舞蹈形式)的舞者。

- hoofer: a dancer who specializes in tap dancing (a dance form characterized by the sound of the dancers shoes)


1. 与"舞者"相关的词义:

- 舞蹈家 (wǔ dǎo jiā): 指专业从事舞蹈的人,尤指受过专业训练并有一定成就的舞者。

- 跳舞者 (tiào wǔ zhě): 指进行跳舞表演的人,包括任何风格和形式的跳舞。

2. 与"舞者"相关的词义:

- 反义词:观众 (guān zhòng)、听众 (tīng zhòng):指观看或聆听演出或表演的人群。

- 近义词:舞蹈家 (wǔ dǎo jiā)、表演者 (biǎo yǎn zhě):指从事舞蹈或其他艺术表演的人。

3. 与"舞者"相关的句子:

- 她是一位出色的芭蕾舞者,已经在国内外多个舞团中有过精彩演出。

- She is an outstanding ballet dancer and has had brilliant performances in many dance companies at home and abroad.

- 这个节目邀请了多位世界知名的舞蹈家参与,呈现了一场精彩绝伦的现代舞盛宴。

- This program invited many world-renowned dancers to participate, presenting a fantastic contemporary dance feast.



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