
空许诺空许诺 2024-06-29 12:30:03 12 阅读



1. 【中英】美国之声广播电台是美国的官方国际广播机构,提供新闻、信息和文化节目,旨在向全球传递美国的观点和价值观。

- Voice of America (VOA): The official international broadcast institution of the United States, providing news, information, and cultural programs with the aim of conveying American perspectives and values to the world.

2. 【中英】美国之声广播电台是一家历史悠久且规模庞大的全球性媒体机构,拥有多种语言服务,包括新闻报道、分析评论、文化节目等。

- Voice of America (VOA): A long-established and large-scale global media organization that provides services in multiple languages, including news reporting, analysis and commentary, cultural programs, etc.

3. 【中英】美国之声广播电台总部位于华盛顿,成立于1942年。它起初主要从事战时宣传,后来发展为向全球传递准确、客观、公正的新闻报道和信息的重要平台。

- Voice of America (VOA): Headquartered in Washington D.C., it was established in 1942. Initially engaged in wartime propaganda, it later developed into an important platform for delivering accurate, objective, and impartial news reporting and information to the world.

Voice of America (VOA) [vɔɪs ʌv əmerɪkə] 注意:发音仅供参考


1. 【中英】我每天都会收听美国之声广播电台,以了解最新的国际动态。

- I listen to Voice of America every day to stay updated on the latest international news.

2. 【中英】我喜欢听美国之声广播电台的文化节目,了解不同国家的传统和习俗。

- I enjoy listening to cultural programs on Voice of America to learn about the traditions and customs of different countries.

3. 【中英】美国之声广播电台在报道时始终秉持客观公正的原则,对各种观点都进行了充分的平衡和呈现。

- Voice of America adheres to the principles of objectivity and impartiality in its reporting, providing a balanced and comprehensive presentation of various perspectives.


1. 广播电台(broadcast station):指专门用于广播节目传输与播放的设施或机构。

2. 国际(international):表示跨越国界、涉及多个国家之间的事物或关系。

3. 新闻报道(news reporting):指对新闻事件进行采访、整理并发布相关信息的行为。





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