stolen away,stolen valor法案

血染墨冢血染墨冢 2024-04-06 03:45:02 11 阅读


1. v. 偷窃;剽窃(观点)(steal 的过去分词)

2. adj. 偷的


stolen away,stolen valor法案




1. We have now found the stolen car. (我们现在找到了被盗的汽车。)

2. The police recovered the stolen jewelry from the thiefs hideout. (警方在小偷的藏匿处找回了被盗的珠宝。)

3. The stolen goods were returned to their rightful owners. (被盗物品被归还给了合法所有者。)


1. steal (v.) - 偷窃;剽窃


- He was caught stealing money from the cash register. (他被抓住从收银机偷钱。)

- Some artists have been accused of stealing ideas from other musicians. (一些艺术家被指责从其他音乐家那里抄袭创意。)

- To repair the sheeps pen after they have been stolen. (为了修理被偷走的羊圈。)

2. thief (n.) - 小偷


- The thief was caught red-handed with stolen goods in his possession. (小偷当场抓获,身上携带着被盗物品。)

- The police are investigating a series of robberies committed by the same thief. (警方正在调查同一小偷犯下的一系列抢劫案。)

- The thief was sentenced to five years in prison for his crimes. (该小偷因犯罪行为被判处五年监禁。)

3. stolen goods (n.) - 赃物


- The police recovered a large amount of stolen goods during the raid. (警方在突击搜查中找回了大量赃物。)

- The store owner identified his stolen goods at the police station. (店主在警察局确认了自己的被盗物品。)

- It is illegal to buy or sell stolen goods. (购买或出售赃物是非法的。)


- steal: 偷窃;剽窃

- 近义词:rob, pilfer, swipe

- 反义词:return, give

- thief: 小偷

- 近义词:burglar, robber, bandit

- 反义词:police officer, security guard

- stolen goods: 赃物

- 近义词:illegally obtained items, loot

- 反义词:legal possessions, rightful property



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